Friday, May 5, 2017

Fanmade VG Story, Featuring Night Shadow Taka and Elite Force Saw

Unfinished fanmade story by yours truly, featuring Night Shadow Taka and Elite Force Saw. Originally, this story was supposed to be finished by the 24th of April for the Facebook Entry, but I hadn't the time to finish it. It now lays unfinished, but I just might finish it sometime later.

Note that this story isn't professionally made. There are a few errors (and cringe) to be found here.

“Ugh... “ SAW stressfully, and unsuccessfully attempted to relieve the itches under his heavy armor. 

He laid on the dark soil, angrily punching at his own body. The more he struggled, the worse it got. 

“No time to waste away here. I’ve got a mission to complete.” Gripping the dirt beneath him, he stood firmly and wandered far into the night, searching for his target. 

He walked for hours on end, persistently, trying to finish his objective quickly. As such, he was well wary of his surroundings. 

“…I know you’re there.” SAW twisted his head slowly, cautiously. 

He loaded his coilgun, scanning the area. Someone was nearby, and with a killing intention.

He stood there impatiently, while the bloodlust still filled the air.

After a long wait, SAW decided it was for too long. 

“If you’re not gonna show yourself, then I’ll do it for YOU!” He swiftly grabs a flare out of his pocket, throwing it in the night sky.

As the area around him lit up, the masked face of an assassin did as well. 

“Bloody hell…” The merc lifts his hand, preparing to arm himself with his tomahawk.

The assassin was armed with a mechanical mask and blazing blades, which looked to be hot enough to melt through even the toughest metal.

For the first few minutes, the two were locked into a staredown. Who would strike first, they both had no knowledge.

The masked warrior breaks the silence. The flare’s light disappears, and so does he. 

“Oh no you don’t, I’ve got more where those came from!” SAW prepares a fleet of flares, but suddenly finds his supply emptied.

The assassin sneered under his mask, crushing the stolen lights with his hands.


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